Monday, 29 October 2007

Ria and Ryan Episode 3 News

I am currently participating in the highly anticipated next episode of Ria and Ryan!

Sarah, Dave and I are writing the Script, and storyboarding as we are going along so that we can get onto the 3D stuff as soon as possible! The above image was drawn By Sarah and coloured by me! As always, all Ria and Ryan images are copyrighted!

Robot Space Pirates Phase 2

I'm trying to think why i have no work posted for this past month... and then i remember I've been working quite hard and forgot to post! Its been mostly work for Punchdrunk, including the Music Video SIF and Concept for POD 003. Here are some pencil sketches of Robot Space pirates that i have designed for POD:

The ideas for the characters 'Legs' and 'Clam' were originally green lit, though now sadly they aren't going to be used. 'Harv', Who is going to be used, is the combination of 'Hal' and another Robot Design done by Mr Dave Bates, as requested by Punchdrunk. 'Mart' is going through a design change as well, but his head will remain the same!

I will post final colour versions of the final Robots when they are ready! These images are copyrighted.
